Saturday, July 15, 2006

Blog Ads

If you're interested in making money from your blog, you might want to read this bloggers' guide to advertising revenue for bloggers.

Is it true that bloggers don't like to make money? How provocative! I guess you'll need to read their paper to find out if it's true!

Bigg results with Digg hits

Here's an interesting post on Cybernet on the impact that a front page hit on Digg will have on your web traffic and RSS subscriptions.

Digg is a "user driven social content website." I've posted about it before, and I love it. Users pick the stories THEY think are important and "digg" them. The stories with the most diggs gets ranked the highest on the site. also ranks stories, but according to the most popular (those that get the most click-throughs). I like the Digg model better, because just because I click on a headline doesn't mean I value the story. Once I get to the story, it may not live up to the headline and I wouldn't recommend others clicking into it like I did. Digg lets me tell others that I think the story is worth their time. And I digg it!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

TK Magazine whirlwind

It's been a crazy week and a half, and the whirlwind will continue this week.

See pictures of the TK Magazine launch party here.

We had nice press coverage by 13 and'll see pics of us being interviewed. Thanks so much to those stations, especially 27 and Nate Hill in particular for broadcasting live from our event.

On July 6th, we "made history" by presenting the first issue of TK Magazine to the Kansas Historical Society & Library. I'm a history buff, and one of the thrills of making a local magazine like TK is becoming a part of the historical record. Kansas history, in particular, is a hobby of mine. It's so colorful. Few states can boast of the rich history of Kansas--full of treasure seekers, trails (before we were flyover country, we were wagon-through country), gunfighters, and the whole 'bloody Kansas' thing that really got the Civil War going. Now, with a full color magazine for Topeka, our history of today can be recorded (literally) much more colorfully.

This week we are prepping for a big live broadcast with Majic 107.7 downtown. Our "TK Girls" will be downtown passing out free magazines while Lola's Cafe sells sandwiches and drinks for $1.07. This will happen on Wednesday. Hopefully we'll see you there.

I'll be getting back to posting about communications technologies and the like very soon.