Wednesday, January 25, 2006

PR and bloggers

Go here to read an excellent piece on "blog relations."'s super-blogger Jeremy Wright once posted on how PR people should approach bloggers--and used an email I had sent him as an example. Now, wouldn't you know it, I can't find it anywhere on his site! What happened to your archives Jeremy?

In short: make it short, make it relevant, make it personal.

Good bloggers get to the point in their posts, and appreciate it if you would get to the point when you are approaching them about something you want them to post about.

Don't send them content that they wouldn't naturally blog about. Don't "stretch their imaginations" too much. Look for blogs that focus on the type of information you are peddling.

Spend some time on a blog and find out about the blogger and address them by name. Do your best to make it at least appear that you know about them. Address them by name in your email.

Whatever you do, don't just send them a press release. If you have news you think they would find interesting, send them a summary and a link to where they can find the rest of the story.

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