Saturday, September 25, 2010

How Real Are Your Facebook Fans?

There are businesses that help your small business set up a Facebook Fan Page and then invite everyone they know to become a fan of it. I get these requests from two different such companies all the time -- inviting me to "like" a company that has hired them to do just that. But I've never heard of the companies, and sometimes those companies are local retailers in far distant lands!

It never hurts to have too many fans, but if you're judging the success of your fan page by the number of people who like your page and those people don't REALLY like your page (and therefore don't engage you at all or could possibly become a customer) then what's the point?

I'd rather target who I'm inviting -- get real fans who will engage you on your Facebook page and share with others that they really like it. Judge your page more on active users and posts rather than purely on number of fans.

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